When creating the Joy Presentation Template, our primary focus was on designers and individuals. Whether you’re making a bid to an important new client or a business portfolio
First 90 Days Plan Template is suitable for new employees who have recently joined a company and are aiming to create and present their work plan and ideas
Sales: 1
Now you don’t need to spend time preparing complicated slides. Just download this presentation and replace text and images in a few clicks. 有更多的时间准备你的演讲. Easy to use and...
Sales: 1
The Spark Presentation Template, our primary focus was on businesses, startups, and individuals. Whether you’re making a bid to an important new client or a business portfolio.
PERSONA -专业的简历ppt模板
CV PowerPoint template is added to our recent collection now. We all know that CV and resumes are one of the most important tools that help us when a job. 我们选择展示自我的方式...
Sales: 2
简历和简历ppt模板 SALE
Curriculum Vitae, Resume and Portfolio Powerpoint Template. 适合:简历, resume, portfolio, personal branding, company profile, freelancer, designer, etc.
Sales: 2
Presingard– Gaming E-Sport Powerpoint Template is a multipurpose Gaming Studio Powerpoint template that can be used for any type of presentation: business, portfolio, corporate, game, gaming...
Sales: 1
年度计划ppt演示动画 Template to present your plan for the upcoming year. This template is comprehensive as it includes different layouts that fit different planning areas....
Sales: 2
Portfolio Presentation Template Minimal Design/ Portfolio Presentation Template Need to create a Portfolio Presentation Template document for your client?
Portfolio Presentation Template Minimal Design/ Portfolio Presentation Template Need to create a Portfolio Presentation Template document for your client?
Scrum模型PPT PPT模板
Scrum Model PowerPoints Template — 33 Unique Professional Slide Templates — 16x9HD, Retina Ready — .PPT, .PPTX文件(支持ppt) -易于编辑! 2单击,选择“只定制”...
Sales: 13
Portfolio PowerPoint Presentation Template Minimal Design/ Portfolio PowerPoint Presentation Template Need to create a Portfolio PowerPoint Presentation Template document for your client?
Sales: 1
Mota -汽车幻灯片
Mota - Automotive Template is a Powerpoint that is suitable for your business vehicle company, your garage business and is perfect for opening a new workshop. 里面有很多独特的幻灯片...
The Craftie Presentation Template for Microsoft PowerPoint is a modern and sleek professional presentation that will give a boost to your business meetings and lectures. 它包含30个漂亮的...
About ‘社交网络PPT模板垂直’This ‘社交网络PPT模板垂直’ is a presentation template designed to cover presentations topics related to ‘social network’....
Sales: 1
Bizent -og体育PowerPoint模板
Creative, Minimal, modern and Metropolis Presentation Template. Fully customization & 超级容易使用,以适应任何类型的商业用途. 它非常适合你的og体育展示
建设工程PPT PPT模板
This ‘Construction Engineering PPT’ is illustration based PowerPoint template designed focusing on a theme of construction engineering. 如果你正在寻找一个友好的演示文稿,...
Farfalla PowerPoint Template - Business Professional Presentation with more than 120 icons black and white, 财务信息的可编辑图形, 16:9 Presentation, 60 unique slides to...
Sales: 1
妇女赋权- PowerPoint模板
InspirationWe all are surrounded by some extremely successful and headstrong Women Empowerment who inspire us and continue to amaze us with their grit and passion. 妇女赋权...
Sales: 1
Resume UX/UI DesignerWe’ve put together the best practices for you, 让你的简历漂亮而有效.这个包裹里有什么? - 45个独特的幻灯片- 16:9全高清布局|...
BE Business Energy - Business Powerpoint Template is a suitable presentation for your business company, your corporate company and is perfect for opening your new company. 有许多独特的...
Brand Strategy Presentation Minimal Design/ Brand Strategy Presentation Template Need to create a Brand Proposal Presentation Template document for your client?
Business Plan Powerpoint Template Minimal Design/ Business Plan Powerpoint Template Need to create a Business Plan PowerPoint template document for your client?